sobota, 14. april 2012

Stefan Molyneux on Voluntraysim

This piece below is and excerpt of Stefan Molyneux guest hosting the Peter Schiff show. It is one of the best short and comprehensive cases I've ever heard made in favor of a free stateless society. I hope you find he is absolutely spot on:

"I think we have to look at why we believe we need a government, and I think fundamentally we believe we need a government because we're afraid of bad people. We are afraid of bad people doing bad stuff to us and taking our property. Now, logically it doesn't make much sense to put a government into place to do that. It's like - I'm afraid that someone might come and steal my property so I'm going to create a monopoly of violence with the right to violate my property and take 50% of it pretty much at will. And that really doesn't make any sense, but it's sort of what we've inherited from the past. 

We understand that if everybody was an angel we wouldn't need a government, and people who are voluntaryists or are looking for a stateless solution in the long run are often called idealistic - we don't understand how bad human beings can be and not everyone is perfect and therefore we need a government. But if you think about it logically, I think quite the opposite is true. I think that voluntaryists really recognize that human nature has a pretty dark side. If you create a government in order to save you from bad people then the smartest and most able bad guys - where are they going to go? They are going to flock like flies to a big mount of horsy cac, they're going to flock straight to the government. Because what do evil people want? They want something for nothing and they want to escape the consequences of their actions. Well, that is the government, the government gives you something for nothing - you get to print money, you get to go to war, you get to do all these terrible things with no negative consequences - so you get to get something for nothing and you get to escape the consequences of your actions. So I believe that government, this hierarchical violence that we use in society, is something that attracts and draws bad people in to run it. You do not protects yourself from bad people by creating a monopoly of violence that bad people will infest and expand at your expense."

And here is the whole show (the excerpt starts at 48:30):