torek, 13. september 2011

The Record of The Fed

The Federal Reserve System (i.e. the US central bank) was established in 1913 with three mandates:
1. Maximum employment
2. Price stability
3. Moderate long-term interest rates.
Let us see how they did on all three accounts.

1. Maximum employment
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (at the US Department of Labor), the official unemployment rate as of August 2011 was 9.1%, though this number does not include "short-term discouraged and other marginally-attached workers as well as those forced to work part-time because they cannot find full-time employment." It also does not include long-term discouraged workers. If you include these people, the rate is substantially higher.

2. Price stability

I don't suppose this chart needs any additional commentary.

3. Moderate long-term interest rates
Currently the 30-year treasury bond yields 3.26%, which is lower than the official CPI (consumer price index) rate of increase, currently at 3.6% as of July 2011 for the past 12 months. Last I checked moderate and negative were not synonyms.

Well yes, I guess it's been a complete success. More power to them!

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