nedelja, 29. julij 2012

Murder is Murder, Theft is Theft

If I had a euro for every time I heard »yes, your philosophy of libertarianism is all fine and well and the principle of non-aggression sounds good, but we all know that there is in any society a given number of people who will not adhere to these rules and therefore we need government to bring all these people in their place«, I'd probably be building a mansion somewhere in Thailand right now.
Once you get the chance to talk to people and show them how libertarianism is really only based on the principle that a man (and all men) should not initiate violence against a fellow human being and his property, the argument above is probably the most common one. Or, in other words, »yes, your goal seems morally correct but we all know that in practice it is not going to work.« Therefore, the non sequitur argument that we need a coercive government.
Perhaps so and we shall never have a society where aggression against a fellow human being is completely wiped out. But if we concede that this is the goal, then it seems to me that we (i.e. everyone who recognizes this as a correct social norm) should all work tirelessly towards this goal and not, contrary to our recognized ideal, allow in our society a group of people recognized rights to systematically aggress against other people, provided only that they carry the badge of the State. This seems to me so contrary to the purpose of peaceful human cooperation that I can only explain so many people believing this is because most people go through a thorough process of thought-molding called the government schooling system.
The libertarian counter-argument then, correctly stated, would be as follows: »I recognize that the initiation of aggression against people and their property is morally wrong, but I nevertheless want to allow a certain group of people, whom we call government, to have the right to aggress against any and all persons.« And it gets even worse. In our age of democracy everyone is allowed to join this group of people who have recognized rights of legal aggression. And since it is always easier to confiscate what has been produced, rather than produce it yourself, it is quite predictable that this group called government or public employees will continually grow until most people are engaged in direct or indirect expropriation and only a minority remains in production. These kinds of conditions cannot last and always lead to conflict.
Let us draw an analogy. We believe murder is wrong. But some say we must, in the name of erradicating murder, allow a certain group of people, carrying the badge of the State, recoginzed rights to murder others. What will happen is murderers will join the legions of the State to be allowed to murder without repercussions. And all people on the brink, considering murder, might also join the legions of the State since it becomes allowable behavior, provided only you carry the badge of the State. As more and more people engage in murder, this becomes socially acceptable and society disintegrates.
By the same token, we believe theft is wrong. But some say we must, in the name of eradicating theft, allow a certain group of people, carrying the badge of the State, recognized rights to steal from others. What will happen is robbers will join the legions of the State to be allowed to steal without repercussions. And all people on the brink, considering theft, might also join the legions of the State since it becomes allowable behavior, provided only you carry the badge of the State. As more and more people engage in theft, this becomes socially acceptable and society disintegrates.

Matej Avsenak Ogorevc

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